Amath paper changed to next tuesday
hmmm physics was okay today.
Vivo City again was our destination after school.
Went there with cheyenne joel andre and vinod.
Bumped into kenny on the way and he joined us.
Browsed through the books and comics of Pageone.
Andre was looking for his comic while i was randomly looking at comic titles
and there is this really superior comic that caught my attention and brought
back memories of my childhood: ONE�PIECE.
Oh-my-god. It is ONE�PIECE.
It is that comical Luffy pirate who can stretch his body and limbs as far as possible.
His crew members (the one with the green hair, the one with golden hair, the hot girl and mini-skirt etc)
going through adventures on the sea.
I think i am going to buy that.
Oh, I watched the latest episode of Southpark yeaterday, THE�CHINA�PROBREM.
It was effing hilarious.
The first scene already made me laugh until my digestion go the other way round.
Its indescribable man.
Okay i shall end my post with one of the quotes said by Eric Cartman in one of the scene of Southpark :
" butters, you canapos;t shoot a guy(quick pause), in the dick(gives that irritated face)"
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